Friday, January 11, 2008

The Sighting of a Fairy

Whenever you see a blue spot on a tree, that could mean fairies live there.

At my school we saw a blue spot on a tree, and saw thousands of fairies!
My friend said that if you put gum under your pillow, Gubby the Candy Fairy will come and say, "This is an unusual taste." Hmmm.


Anonymous said...

I LOVE fairies!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Hey, Olivia. I am the lady that loves faeries who lives around the block from you. I have enjoyed looking at your website. It's wonderful! The next time you and your Mom are out walking, come by my yard to see a really big faeire house that we are building. It's going to be called "FaerieBoria". With all good faerie wishes, Kathy

Anonymous said...

I am off looking for a fairy kindom to explore. No luckyet, though. How do I find some?

Deidra S.

Anonymous said...

Olivia this is Clairette.sorry formy negative comments.I saw a fairy.she was so beautiful that she asked me if she could be my fairy.I said yes

Anonymous said...

Olivia ,oops my mom is calling me.bye for now.
Clairette V.

Anonymous said...

gubby is not REAL.

i hate olivia said...

olivia you are stupid

i hate olivia said...

olivia you are stupid

Anonymous said...

Guys stop being mean. U are cyberbullies

Anonymous said...

But olivia all our trees here have blue spots